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Our customers return on spend is core to Zembula's long term success

$18 in revenue driven for every $1 spent with Zembula last week.


Robert Haydock
Robert Haydock
CEO, Zembula

Zembula’s Dimensions™ delivers on the promise of daily email personalization. Marketers have known the potential for years, but until now, it was not possible to efficiently deliver an automated personalization program in the daily retail marketing email. Zembula Dimensions™ has provided the first solution to fully automate daily email personalization and deliver over an 11x return on spend without changing your daily workflow.

Below is the week-over-week graph of Zembula’s total revenue as a business compared to the click attributed revenue generated by our customers each week with Zembula powered content. As our Dimensions™ program grows, we continue to learn and expand the use cases we power for customers. The secret to performance has been the extensive long-tail of personalized use cases. Currently, our customers average $16 in revenue for every $1 they spend with Zembula YTD in 2024.

The rapid customer adoption we’ve seen, and use case expansion of Zembula Dimensions™ have continued to improve efficiency of every dollar spend with Zembula.

We want to be the most efficient next dollar you can spend in marketing.

Click attribution is only one of the ways we monitor the performance we deliver to our customers. Below, we dive a little deeper into the two ways we track performance over time. Longitudinal testing is the gold standard of testing, and click attribution is a great way to monitor daily performance and provides creative-level insights.

The 4 week longitudinal audience test

The first method is a longitudinal audience test over 4 weeks (sometimes we extend this time period). We split the audience 50/50, and half will see Dimensions™, and the other half will see an email without Dimensions™. The audiences are assigned to a group as email is opened which helps reduce the noise and also picks up new subscribers as they begin to engage. During the test, we maintain the audiences and track the revenue and transactions from each group. At the end of the test, we check that 95% statistical significance has been achieved, and compare the revenue and transactions from each group.

The result from the longitudinal audience test provides an extremely reliable result on the revenue lift Zembula Dimensions™ drives. We also have the audience data that we can provide to customers so they can do their own analysis and verify the results.

7 Day click-based revenue attribution

We’ve found click-based revenue attribution on just the content Zembula powers is a good indicator of program performance. Nothing is perfect, but we’ve seen the click attribution on Dimensions™ tracks pretty closely to the revenue lift we see in the longitudinal audience based testing we run.

Our methodology is a 7-day click-based attribution on the Zembula Dimensions™ banners displayed across our customers’ email program. This click-based attribution provides our customers with very valuable creative-level insights about the relative performance of different content, leading to many insights that have greatly improved performance over time.

We’re always looking at new ways to track and analyze the content performance for our customers to continuously improve their marketing programs over time.

Robert Haydock
Robert Haydock
CEO, Zembula

Robert Haydock co-founded Zembula in 2013 with a mission to help brands engage and convert every potential customer using unique content that’s easy to create and implement.

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