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Three Speech Bubbles, One Blue And Two White, Appear On A Purple Background With Dashed Lines Connecting Them.
Combine Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ to Get More From Your Email

Every brand wants to drive engagement, action, and, ultimately, revenue. But it’s getting more difficult as competition increases and consumers become savvier to their needs and interests. The old strategies don’t work nearly as well anymore, and generic, boring emails aren’t cutting it either. You need a way to reach your customers where they are […]

Illustration Of A Smartphone With Notification Bubbles Displayed On The Screen. Blue And White Color Scheme.
Five Tips to Streamline and Optimize Your Holiday Email Workflows

Ready or not, the holiday season is here. That means you must find ways to get your message out (without losing sleep and saving your sanity). For many brands, the holiday season is critical for business success — with more revenue generated in the last quarter than the rest of the year.  Now, add increased […]

Illustration Of Three Chat Bubbles, Two White And One Blue, Connected With Dashed Lines, On A Light Blue Background.
How Smart Banners™ Can Help Personalize Holiday Emails at Scale

Did you know that 60% of consumers say they’ve purchased a product or service because of a marketing email? That number should get you sitting up and paying attention, especially as we approach the biggest holiday season of the year.  So what can you do to help you see better conversion rates this holiday season? Focus on personalization. […]

Illustration Of A Smartphone With Notification Bubbles Displayed On The Screen. Blue And White Color Scheme.
Smart Banners™ We Love

Marketing is tough, especially in today’s ultra-competitive environment. More brands are vying for consumers’ time, dollars, and attention than ever before. And consumers are a lot more sophisticated. So they may be willing to give your brand a chance, but they’re also quick to move on if they aren’t getting what they need. So while […]

Illustration Of A Smartphone Displaying A Messaging App With Light Green Text Bubbles Against A Blue Background.
How to Combine Animation and Personalization in Your Smart Banners™ Strategy

When you open your email, which brands catch your eye? Which messages from them are you more likely to open?  Chances are, you ignore most brand emails, even in your own inbox. But when you choose to open and click, it’s probably because of a couple of key factors: you trust that brand, and the […]

Illustration Of A Smartphone With Notification Bubbles Displayed On The Screen. Blue And White Color Scheme.
How Smart banners™ Make Email Personalization Easy

Today’s customers don’t want to be seen as just a number anymore. Instead, they care about the experience they have interacting with a brand. From emails to SMS to shopping and post-purchase, it all matters.  If you can’t deliver something personalized to their interests and needs and have a two-way conversation with them, they are […]

Illustration Of A Smartphone Displaying A Messaging App With Light Green Text Bubbles Against A Blue Background.
Why Use Smart Banners™ For Email Personalization

Email personalization is powerful. Customers who see personalized messages in their inbox are more likely to engage with the email.  So, it makes sense that you’re missing a huge opportunity to connect with your customers and drive revenue if you aren’t sending personalized emails.  But, historically, there’s been one big problem: email is hard to […]

Illustration Of A Smartphone With Notification Bubbles Displayed On The Screen. Blue And White Color Scheme.
How to Capitalize on Your Transactional Emails with Smart Banners™

Transactional emails present a fantastic opportunity to activate and reengage your customers driving them to take more action. So are you capitalizing on that? These emails have a much higher open rate compared to traditional marketing messages and newsletters. So, with more eyeballs on your content, it makes sense you want to find ways to […]

Illustration Of A Smartphone Displaying A Messaging App With Light Green Text Bubbles Against A Blue Background.
Your Email Personalization Strategy Needs Smart Banners™. Here’s Why.

Every brand needs an email personalization strategy. If you don’t have one, you’ll get left behind. And that means going beyond a Hey [Name], or personalized subject line. Your messaging needs to feel like 1:1 communication, not a blast email sent to the masses.  Customers demand it. They want to see communications from companies specific […]

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