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Illustration Of A Document Icon With A List And Bar Chart Overlay On A Blue Background With A Dashed Yellow Outline.
Why loyalty matters: how to reward your VIPs with personalized loyalty updates

Boost your brand’s success by rewarding VIPs with personalized loyalty updates. Discover why loyalty matters and how to build a devoted customer base effectively.

Illustration Of An Email Envelope Displayed On A Laptop Screen, Symbolizing Email Communication.
Moment-of-Send vs. Moment-of-Open: What Real-Time Email Really Means

We’ve all received some kind of personalized email by now. After all, it’s almost 2020! Personalization has been a driving force in email campaigns for over a decade. Most personalization is as simple as inserting a name in the subject line, but some brands go deeper to send you emails filled with product recommendations, images […]

Illustration Of A Laptop With A Green Screen Displaying The Word &Quot;Live&Quot; In A White Circle On A Gradient Blue-Green Background.
Real time package tracking is a retailer’s best friend – here’s why

Online shopping is pretty much cemented as a way of life today. Over the last few years, it’s exploded, and the trends are only going to continue to go up. According to Statista, in 2016, just over 200 million Americans had bought something online at least once. By 2021, that number is projected to top 230 […]

Illustration Of A Handshake Icon Inside A White Circle On A Blue Background.
Personalization and Interactivity: Why you should be using this perfect pairing

Every email marketer out there is looking for ways to get more opens, clicks, and conversions. After all, even a modest lift in your most important email marketing metrics can translate to real returns on the bottom line. So with all the tactics and techniques out there, two strategies have emerged. One is using personalization […]

Illustration Of A Hand With An Extended Finger Pressing A Button, Surrounded By Rays, Against A White Circular Background On A Teal Field.
What Are Personalized Emails?

If you’re reading this, there’s probably a really good chance your inbox is overflowing with emails. And, you probably only read a fraction of them. Notes from friends or co-workers, shipping confirmations, a handful of newsletters you love, you read those. The rest? Good luck. Maybe if you have time, or if something happens to […]

A Hand With An Extended Index Finger Pressing A Green Button, Surrounded By A White Circle On A Blue Background.
Why personalization works (and why you should start using it!)

There’s no doubt you’ve heard a lot about personalization the last few years. If you’ve been reading this blog for a little while, you’ve read at least a few posts on the importance of using personalized emails. So you know the “how.” But what about the “why?” There are reasons why personalization in email is […]

Icon Of A Blue Light Bulb With A Gear Inside, Symbolizing Innovation And Technology, On A White Circular Background With A Teal Border.
15 Awesome Email Marketing Tips

Email marketing is a critical part of your marketing strategy. No news there, right? But where people and brands struggle is getting beyond the basics of email marketing and into the next level stuff. You know the email marketing tips and strategies that can help boost your open, click, and conversion rates. That’s the good […]

Icon Showing A Live Image With A Mountain Landscape In The Background And A Circular Refresh Symbol In The Foreground.
What Movable Ink Is Doing Wrong (and what Zembula gets right)

Being able to use your own data in email campaigns seems like it should be easy enough. However, those that have tried to do so know how hard it truly is to use the data you’ve worked so hard to collect.  Your data is probably spread out in multiple databases across your organization. You probably […]

Icon Of A Computer Mouse With A Cable On A White Circle, Set Against A Gradient Background From Teal To Blue.
Why Using a Scratch-Off in Email is Your Best Bet in 2019

The battle over attention has been raging since, well, since forever. Technology and the incredible amount of content being created every day hasn’t helped in terms of getting people to focus. That can be seen in the decline of email open and click-through rates. As of early 2018, Epsilon found that “email click rates in […]

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