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Illustration Of Three Chat Bubbles, Two White And One Blue, Connected With Dashed Lines, On A Light Blue Background.
How Personalization Improves Email ROI

Personalization is more than just a buzzword. It’s the key to the kingdom — especially when it comes to email marketing. As budgets squeeze and brands need to do more to stay competitive, it’s increasingly difficult to see a significant return on investment (ROI).  However, email marketing can often be the exception. Research shows it […]

Illustration Of A Smartphone With Notification Bubbles Displayed On The Screen. Blue And White Color Scheme.
Z-Talk: What is ROAS?

ROAS stands for return on ad spend. Some marketers use ROI, or return on investment, but the idea is similar. It’s how much you get from what you’re spending. And while the acronym might lead you to believe that it’s just for ads, it’s surely not! What does ROAS have to do with email? ROAS […]

A Simple, Stylized Purple Light Bulb Icon With Dotted Shading And Small Lines Indicating Illumination, Set Against A Light Gray Background With A Purple Border.
The Long-Term Impact of ROAS in Email and SMS Marketing Strategy

Much of marketing is focusing on immediate results. But it pays to keep an eye on the long game, too. While short-term success is great and may indicate you’re on the right track, you also want to ensure your campaigns are built for long-term gains. One key performance indicator (KPI) that can help you determine […]

Illustration Of A Person Climbing Stairs Inside A Smartphone Screen. Surrounding Them Are A Pencil, Ruler, Documents, And A Pie Chart On A Blue Background.
3 Key Email Personalization Trends for 2024

It’s time to start looking ahead. As technology improves, marketers can’t always rely on what worked in the past to continue in the future.  Sure, it may work ok. You’ll still see some clicks, conversions, and revenue. But standing out from the competition needs a more innovative approach — and you don’t want to wait […]

An Illustration Of A Document And Bar Graph, With One Bar Highlighted In Purple, Enclosed In A Dashed Rectangle Border.
How Forever 21 Used Smart Banners™ to Get 11x ROAS

Forever 21 is a global fast fashion retailer headquartered in Los Angeles, California. It was founded as one store in 1984; today, there are over 540 retail operations worldwide. The company focuses on delivering on-trend and high-style designs and basics at affordable prices, targeting fashionable consumers who care about a high-value customer experience. Forever 21 values […]

Illustration Of Cloud Computing With Two Large Servers, A Smaller Server, And Three Cloud Icons Against A Blue Background.
Email Personalization is Here to Stay! Here’s How to Use It.

If there’s one thing email marketers need to embrace right now, it’s this: email personalization is the new normal. Email personalization is no longer ‘nice to have’; it’s a must-have.  And when we say email personalization, we mean real data-driven personalization that moves the needle, not the generic stuff. If you aren’t on the personalization […]

Illustration Of A Document Icon With A List And Bar Chart Overlay On A Blue Background With A Dashed Yellow Outline.
What is ROAS?

There are many ways to determine your marketing campaigns’ success. Revenue and conversions are two. But what about really digging into the numbers? What can you learn from them to help you optimize performance and get more out of your campaigns? That’s where return on ad spend (ROAS) can be a marketer’s best friend. In […]

An Illustration Of A Document And Bar Graph, With One Bar Highlighted In Purple, Enclosed In A Dashed Rectangle Border.
How Content Plays a Role in Improving ROAS

Messaging matters. Every marketer knows that instinctively. And when it gets down to brass tacks, your content and messaging can make or break your email and SMS marketing campaigns.  So, how can you tell if your messaging is falling short? Look at your return on ad spend (ROAS). ROAS is a key performance indicator (KPI) […]

Three Speech Bubbles, One Blue And Two White, Appear On A Purple Background With Dashed Lines Connecting Them.
How to Personalize Smart Blocks™

It wasn’t all that long ago that personalizing emails meant adding the reader’s name at the top and calling it a day. And while that’s been effective for a while, today’s consumers demand more from brands.  You need to go beyond basic personalization. Instead, emails tailored to the reader—from top to bottom—will help you stand […]

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