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Interactive Email Marketing: 3 Ways to Boost Revenue and Grow Engagement

3 easy tips for maximizing your revenue and growing your audience’s engagement using interactivity in your email marketing!

A woman with long black hair and wearing a black dress and gray shawl sits on a wooden dock in front of a body of water.

Email marketing has been around since the invention of the internet. In fact, the first email marketing message was sent in 1977! Since it’s one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, there’s been some industry holdout among email marketers in embracing new forms of content and interactive email elements like GIFs or polls.

Let go of those concerns! It’s been proven that using interactive content in email marketing can increase your campaign’s success rates dramatically. With the advancements in digital marketing and the seemingly endless integration of micro-apps and programs, it’s easier than ever to mix interactive email marketing into your strategy playbook.

Here are 3 ways to start bringing interaction to your next email marketing campaign:

GIFs are a super simple way to integrate interactive email marketing to your strategy. In today’s smartphone world, GIFs are a primary source of adding emotion and humor to our digital interactions. There are plenty of online resources to find funny, often circulated GIFs to add to your email marketing. However, the real beauty comes when your brand is able to create their own GIF and properly track and analyze its effectiveness.

In fact, Dell was able to see a 109% increase in revenue by integrating unique branded GIFs into their email marketing campaigns. Making your own branded GIFs isn’t as hard as you may imagine! Our interactive email marketing platform includes the ability to easily create animated GIF hints that increase click-through rates.

Interactive email marketing content is backed by key psychological principles. Consumers are driven to interact by the core components of psychology such as curiosity or the brain’s ability to respond to operant conditioning. Understanding and leveraging these key psychological principles through adding interactive content elements will entice recipients to react to your email campaign, driving click-through rates and revenue.

You can start thinking today about your next interactive email marketing campaign through the lens of psychology by checking out our master class Reveal Marketing 101. The class breaks down the psychology of our approach to marketing and lays out the next steps for integrating interactive email marketing into your current approach!

With any new marketing initiative, tracking your results is key. Without the ability to test our campaigns and track their effectiveness, all our effort as marketers would be for naught. Data is key to establishing your brand’s return on investment for new marketing procedures or strategies. Data can make or break a campaign, a marketing initiative, or even an entire company. How can you prove your strategies are effective?

Our analytics dashboard is created with these issues in mind. We know how important it is to prove ROI on marketing initiatives. Our customer support team is there to support you and your team in the planning of your next interactive email marketing campaign. And our analytics dashboard is there to prove the campaign’s success and allow you to test out the effectiveness of your marketing plans and ideas.

Hopefully, these ideas have gotten you inspired to incorporate interactive content to your next email marketing campaigns today. By using branded GIFs, remembering psychology and keeping the data in mind, you’ll be able to gain conversions and increase revenue while you prove your marketing team’s ROI and ensure your ability to execute complex marketing initiatives in the future.

A Woman With Long Black Hair And Wearing A Black Dress And Gray Shawl Sits On A Wooden Dock In Front Of A Body Of Water.

Nicole Cordier is a Marketing Intern at Zembula. A Journalism graduate from the University of Oregon, she is a Portland native who loves coloring, dogs and all things outdoors.

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