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Six Ways to Use Smart Banners™ to Convert Window Shoppers

You can reengage more of your customers by tapping into customer browsing data. Learn how Smart Banners™ help you convert these people to buyers.

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Liz Froment

Across industries, about 70% of buyers abandon their cart. But what about the window shoppers — those who browse but never move items into their shopping cart? How do you win them back?

The solution for many marketers has been through browse abandonment campaigns. These automated emails trigger to send to customers and help reengage them. 

Browse campaigns have increased in popularity for several reasons, but the big one is the conversion opportunities. If you can target people who’ve browsed your site, that’s a much bigger pool of potential customers. 

Here’s how to use Smart Banners™ to take advantage of it.

Browse abandonment notifications

The easiest way to start is the most obvious. Use your browse abandonment notifications the same way you would approach cart abandonment. 

A Smart Banner™ can remind your customer about items they’ve looked at and considered purchasing. It’s a simple but great way to reengage them and connect. 

And you can use the data you’ve collected to send them more relevant emails related to the items they’ve been looking at, even if they haven’t bought them yet.

Highlight purchasing options

Financing options for items have become increasingly popular over the last few years — especially among younger generations of shoppers. 

Use a Smart Banner™ to get their attention and tell them two things. First, you noticed they were checking out a particular item. And second, there are financing options available.

If they want to complete the purchase, that might be enough to move someone from a window shopper to a customer.

Connect with loyalty members

It’s always a good idea to communicate more with your most loyal customers. These people are often the most invested in your brand, so reward them by making it easier for them to buy.

Unfortunately, many brands don’t capitalize on communication with their most loyal customers. Don’t fall into that trap. Instead, focus on areas where you can deliver personalized messaging.

This banner does the job by incorporating the reader’s loyalty points into the purchase messaging. So they’ll see their most up-to-date loyalty information and know they can use it to buy. 

Include ratings and reviews

We all know that the majority of customers who buy items both in-store and online do research first. And one of the things that persuade most customers is seeing user-generated content in the form of positive ratings and reviews from other customers. 

You’re undoubtedly already highlighting their five stars and positive ratings on your website. So use the same concept and bring UGC into your Smart Banners™. 

Use Smart Banners™ to showcase recent customer ratings and reviews for selected products. As a result, your customer gets the data they want, and it’s easy to take action and buy.

Offer free shipping or discounts

Another way to get a window shopper to move from browsing an item to buying is by offering them a discount or free shipping. Who doesn’t like getting a deal?

With Smart Banners™, it’s easy to feature coupons or shipping discounts on any item or customer segment. So, for instance, if you want to give your loyalty members a special treat, you can do it without having to set up completely new or different campaigns.

You control the parameters on the Zembula platform. Connect your data sources, set your preferred guidelines, and our Campaign Decision Engine takes care of the rest. 

Reveal price or inventory changes

Many window shoppers are interested in an item but are not quite ready to pull the trigger and buy right then and there. So, you want to try and grab their attention at the right time.

Browse Abandonment Smart Banner Ecommerce

That’s another benefit of Smart Banners™. You don’t need to rely on hoping your readers see your browse abandonment campaign. Instead, Smart Banners™ ensure your message visibility lasts. 

FOMO is powerful for marketers, and Smart Banners™ help alert potential customers to pricing updates and inventory changes. That could just be the nudge your customer needs to help them decide that they want to make the purchase

Do more with Smart Banners™

If you’re curious about how Smart Banners™ work, we’d love to show you around our platform. 

Get in touch with one of our experts today. It will help you set up a demo.

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Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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