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Why Adding Variety to Smart Banners™ Matters

Do you want to reach your readers with messages that keep them excited and drive engagement? Variety is the answer. Look no further than Smart Banners™.

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Liz Froment

Sometimes, you hit upon a great email offer. It gets higher than normal engagement rates, more people click through, and you see a boost in revenue. 

But, over time, the effectiveness of that messaging slowly starts to dip. While still above average, the numbers keep decreasing until that email performs exactly the same as the rest. 

You didn’t do anything wrong per se; it’s simply that your message didn’t drive action anymore. And a big reason behind that is your readers might have stopped registering it as something new and exciting. It faded into the background.

It’s a painful slide, but it happens more often than not. So what can you do? You could keep trying and testing new campaign ideas and hope to find one that hits. Or, you can increase your message variety. 

It’s easier than you think — especially with Smart Banners™. Here’s how to do it.

Meet customer expectations

If there’s one thing today’s customers demand, it’s this: personalization in their email communications. Unfortunately, for most brands, that’s hard to do at scale. Get a list past a few hundred people, and personalizing relies on segmentation. 

Until now, enter Smart Banners™. Adding a Smart Banner™ into the mix allows you to send 1:1 levels of email personalization to your customers automatically. 

Sending personalized content gets rewarded. A study found that Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to penalize a company for poor communication. So what does personalization have to with message variety? A lot.

Add more to the mix

What makes Smart Banners™ so unique is they combine personalization and variety seamlessly. There are dozens of Smart Banners™ to choose from for any situation. Each of them allows you to personalize everything from abandoned cart notifications to flash sales. So you never have to worry about sending stale or boring messages again.

For customers, that matters. We know attention spans are down, and competition within the inbox is greater than ever. That makes it much harder to stand out and get the clicks and engagement you need to boost your bottom line. 

Here’s where Smart Banners™ can make all the difference. You can choose from a variety of templates and personalize them as needed. All you have to do is add a snippet of code to your email templates, hook up your data sources, and set parameters. Then, the right banner is displayed to each reader based on your set parameters — instant variety. 

No more stale and boring messages

The best way to grab your reader’s attention and get more clicks and conversions? Smart Banners™, of course. Implementing these into your email marketing strategy can help ensure message variety, drive engagement, and keep readers interested in what you have to say.

Here are a few of our favorite examples.

Want to get hyper-personalized? Use your Smart Banners™ to highlight local events. Tap into your location data and send readers who live nearby special discounts or invites to shop in-store.

Rather than send yet another email reminding a customer to download your app that might get ignored, use a Smart Banner™ to make the message impossible to miss.

If you’ve got customer’s keeping an eye on sales and deals, why not go out of your way to let them know when they can save? It can go a long way toward building trust in your brand.

Your customers are probably used to abandoned cart emails by now. But what about a Smart Banner™ that shows them the exact product they’ve left behind and lets them know about financing options?

Want to learn more about what Smart Banners™ can do for your emails?

We’d love to show you a few more examples of how Smart Banners™ can transform your emails while driving increases in engagement and revenue. 

We share some of our best examples, tips, and secrets in our latest guide: The 2022 Email Marketer’s Guide To Smart Banners™.

Get your copy today by clicking here.

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Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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