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5 Email Personalization Best Practices

A woman with wavy hair wearing a yellow shirt stands outdoors in front of a windowed building.
Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Personalization within the emails you receive is not something you should be shocked to see anymore. It’s everywhere, but that doesn’t make it good. 

While email personalization has been around for quite some time, brands are still not doing it right. It’s easy to use email merge tags to personalize with a name or something simple like that, but brands that are winning at email marketing have taken it a step further. 

You can too by following these 5 best practices. 

Think about what is important to your brand

What data do you actually care about? You might want to do an exercise in buyer personas to figure out what your customers care about and reverse engineer your data gathering based on satisfying the needs you nail down. Once you figure out what you need, get your forms in order. Think about other creative ways to collect user data as well, like polls or quizes!

Keep your data standardized

Once you know what you want to collect, make sure you are standardizing and normalizing all your data so you can use it in your email content! Most likely, you have data sitting in multiple places. You probably have an ESP, a CRM, or a POS that you’d like to pull info from. Getting all this data out of silos and into your email content can be a challenge.
Each system has a specific way that it maps data, you need to take all of that and make it speak the same language.  You can either do it by hand, (no thanks!) or you can get a solution that helps you normalize your data so you can actually use it all.

Go beyond the name

Personalization has come a long way. And now marketers are expected to create more individualized messages. This goes beyond just basic info. Sure you need their name and a birthday is nice to have, but what are they interested in? Can you predict products they will like based on past purchases? 

Use location and weather to create more relevant messages

There are tools that can help you collect weather and location data of your target audiences and then send relevant messages to each. This could be a really powerful tool for those looking to supercharge their segmentation efforts. 

Use Triggered Emails

If you want to really be on top of creating relevant messages, set up triggered emails based on user behavior. If you add in your relevant data to these messages you will exponentially increase your engagement. Try to send messages when users do certain actions, like abandon a cart, or don’t do something within a certain amount of time, like login to your site in a certain amount of time. 

Whether you are a personalization pro or just starting your journey with personalization, follow these 5 best practices to get the most from your emails. Want some help? Check out Zembula. We are offering email personalization at scale for the lowest price ever. 

A Woman With Wavy Hair Wearing A Yellow Shirt Stands Outdoors In Front Of A Windowed Building.
Cheyenne Miner
Director of Marketing

Cheyenne is the Director of Marketing at Zembula where she gets to collaborate and coordinate with a team of marketing masterminds. On the weekends, you can find her in the backcountry of the Pacific Northwest, or not, because they don’t have cell towers out there.

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