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Combine Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ to Get More From Your Email

Zembula’s Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ can transform your customer’s email experience adding in more personalization than ever before.

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Liz Froment

Every brand wants to drive engagement, action, and, ultimately, revenue. But it’s getting more difficult as competition increases and consumers become savvier to their needs and interests.

The old strategies don’t work nearly as well anymore, and generic, boring emails aren’t cutting it either. You need a way to reach your customers where they are with personalized messaging — and that personalization needs to go beyond just a name

Enter a perfect one-two solution: Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™. Using these in tandem can turn every email you send into a message with multiple layers of personalization and encourages action.  

Here’s how to combine these to do more with your email.

Double down on personalization

Read any stats about what consumers want from brands, and one word jumps out from the rest: personalization. Email personalization has to be a cornerstone of your overall marketing strategy to succeed in today’s competitive and fast-paced market. 

The good news is Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ make it easy to add personalization to every email you send — at scale — without needing to mess around with code, run multiple A/B tests, and start and stop campaigns.

Instead, streamline your processes and workflows. Choose a template, add a snippet of code, set your personalization parameters, and Zembula’s Campaign Decision engine takes care of the rest

This AI-powered decision engine runs through all the permutations and selects the Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ that are most likely to get your readers to take action. All that’s done in milliseconds, at the moment of open, not when you send.

Expand your messaging

With Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ working overtime for your brand, you get more out of every email.

Use Smart Banners™ as your primary revenue-driving action, such as encouraging shoppers to convert their abandoned cart or abandoned browse. Then, capitalize on Smart Blocks™ as a secondary action. For example, use it to keep your loyalty program readers informed about their points or special membership bonuses during shopping events.

Plus, when you have dozens of templates of banners and blocks to pull from, you never have to worry about your messaging going stale. Variety is built into the mix, always keeping your customers engaged and interested in what you send. 

Personalized messaging in action

Want to see how you can combine Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ to deliver a perfectly personalized message your customers will love?

We thought you’d never ask. Check out the example below:

You have both Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ in action. The blue banner at the top displays an abandoned cart notification. It’s personalized with the customer’s name and an image of the product left behind. 

The copy adds a sense of urgency to help move the customer toward converting. But in this space, you can also add customer ratings and reviews to help build trust

Finally, the banner also has a bold, easy-to-see call-to-action button. When customers view this email on mobile (increasingly likely), that banner will sit at the very top of their screen — no scrolling means an increased likelihood of conversion.

At the bottom of the email, in gray in this example, you’ll see the personalized Smart Blocks™. Here, there are stacked. On top is a personalized update for the reader’s loyalty point status. Messaging includes a little nudge that highlights the readers is close to a reward. 

The block below highlights recommended products with star ratings. Here’s where you can use your customer data to add more and more layers of personalization. Knowing what each customer has browsed or bought makes it easy to add personalized product recommendations to every email.

With Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™, every one of your readers will get emails with a 1:1 level of personalization that’s hard to beat and makes it easy for them to engage and convert. 

Do more with Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ 

If you want to see how Smart Banners™ and Smart Blocks™ can make a difference in your email marketing, we’d love to help. 

Our email experts will set you up with a demo and help you learn how to get more out of your email.

Get in touch and request a demo today.

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Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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