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How Zembula's Campaign Decision Engine Personalizes Emails For You

Want to send better emails? Use Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine to level up your email personalization. Learn how it can work for your brand.

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Liz Froment

Email personalization is so important. For many consumers, it’s what distinguishes you from other brands. Do it right, and you’ll build a loyal base of customers who will buy from you often. 

Ignore personalization, or don’t go deeper than the basics, and you run the risk of getting sent to the archive folder. Consumers are tired of the same boring emails with no variety, relevancy, or personalization. 

So, that means you need to stand out. And it’s harder than ever to do it. But, there are things you can do to make a difference; Zembula can help. Here’s how. 

Personalization at scale is easier than ever

One of the biggest challenges email marketers have faced is delivering personalization at scale. That’s why you still see so many emails with basic personalization, a hello [name], or a personalized subject line.

Trying to dig in and deliver real personalized content that’s timely and relevant was very hard with a list of any size — until now. That’s where Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine comes in. 

It helps make personalization at scale quick and easy. The AI-powered decision engine does all the heavy lifting automatically. That leaves your team to focus on other marketing activities and strategies to improve customer connections.

The Campaign Decision Engine in action

Do you want to make your personalization really stand out? Do you wish you could send relevant messages to every customer that recommends products, updates them on package tracking, and gets them to engage?

It sounds like a dream, and now it’s possible to enrich and segment your content for personalization using customer data.

Here’s how it works:

With Zembula, you use your customer data (from sources like your CRM, eCommerce, and loyalty programs) to set up display rules in our platform. Then, when you send your campaigns out, the decision engine runs through your parameters and selects the best message for each user. That decision gets made in microseconds; there’s no delay.

The messages display via either a Smart Banner™ or Smart Block™ and updates at the moment-of-open. So, even if you need to make a quick tweak, you can do it without needing to pause and re-set your entire campaign.

That means one can get a package tracking update, one will see an abandoned cart notification, and one gets a happy birthday message. And you don’t have to do any additional segmenting or personalizing your content.

If your customer doesn’t meet your display rules, the block or banner disappears into an invisible pixel. So, they still get your email messages just as you intended.

This gives you the opportunity to send more personalized messages to your customers without needing to run endless A/B tests or swap out code. All you need to do is add a snippet of data to your email template and hoop up your data sources, and we take it from there.

Level up your personalization

Now, you have the chance to massively improve your message visibility and variety. Using Smart Banners™, for instance, you can choose from a message pool that includes:

Imagine being able to select from a list of a dozen or more options to send to your customers. That helps ensure they will never get bored of seeing the same messages from you because you have built-in variety with your campaigns.

Plus, that added personalization translates into more engagement through clicks and conversions. For example, a recent case study from Thrive Causemetics highlights how they used promotional Smart Banners™ to help personalize their emails and saw a 10-17% revenue lift in the emails that featured the banners. 

Learn more today

If you want to learn more about how Zembula’s Campaign Decision Engine can help improve your brand’s approach to personalization, get in touch. We’d love to set you up with a demo so you can explore the platform.

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Liz Froment

Liz Froment is a content writer at Zembula. A graduate of University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Liz is a travel aficionado, Boston sports fan, and maple syrup connoisseur.

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