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Zembula Image Personalization Is Your Answer To Apple Mail Privacy

Do you use Campaigner for your ESP? Learn how it can parter with the Zembula platform to boost your emails with ratings and reviews.

The Apple Mail app will start masking IP addresses in fall 2021. Apple is also indicating that it will load all images when emails are first sent, the intent being to protect email openers from disclosing information about the timing of their opens, and/or if they even open an email at all.

This will impact email marketers in three ways – open data will be less reliable, customer experience will be affected, and cost of email personalization solutions based on open rate could increase. 

This is a time of change that might seem uncertain, but we are here to help you through it and give you the tools you need to create compelling content that works for every user.

Success Requires Creating Relevant Content For Every Potential Open

Not having open data means that it is time to invest your efforts in email content. Shifting your focus on creating relevant content for every user gives you the best chance to get more clicks, revenue or increased lifetime value, and those are the metrics that really matter. 

Zembula can help you create hyper-personalized content that increases engagement and builds customer loyalty. 

The New Customer Experience

First and foremost, your ability to personalize email images with your own data will not be impacted. 

Live images, or images that update at the moment of open, will not function as they will be live to the moment that Apple pre-opens the email. 

A couple of main types of content that will need to be evaluated and likely changed are: 

While some of these campaigns, like countdown timers, will need to be completely reimagined, many can be remedied using zero and first party data. Zembula can help you use your own data to create sophisticated personalization for every email you send.  

Use Your Data For Enriching – Not just Segmenting

Zembula can help you create the most engaging content by using a layered approach to personalization.

First, use your data to personalize an image. You can use any number of sources including offer data, loyalty information, or your CRM. After you build a diverse pool of personalized images, you can group them together and set up rules for display. Our decision engine will automatically display the best content for that person whenever the email is rendered. It’s basically marketing to a segment of 1.

What Is The Cost? 

Apple’s proposed changes essentially mean that they will “pre-open” any message received on an Apple device, with the result that all messages will be reported as “opened” and all images will be “pre-rendered”. 

Our competition may have to charge you for iOS 15’s additional image loads. Zembula is built on new technology. The benefit to you is that we can protect you against additional cost for the additional image loads due to Apple iOS 15 Privacy. Our customers will still be able to deliver personalized images to subscribers using the iOS 15 email client. 

Zembula Is Ready

Zembula’s software was built for personalization and this moment. We are excited to help our customers navigate the changes ahead, building stronger email programs that outperform the competition. 

Are you prepared? We are here to help.

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