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Illustration Of A White Shopping Bag With Purple Items Peeking Out From The Top, Set Against A Dark Blue Background With A Dotted Yellow Line.
Our customers’ return on spend is core to Zembula’s long term success

Zembula Dimensions™ drives an average $16 revenue for every $1 spent YTD 2024, with consistent revenue lift and click-based attribution offering creative-level insights.

Illustration Of A Document Icon With A List And Bar Chart Overlay On A Blue Background With A Dashed Yellow Outline.
Lessons from our first product Scratch-It

Scratch-it evolved into Zembula Dimensions™, learning key lessons on automation, revenue tracking, and recurring value for enhanced email marketing performance.

Illustration Of Cloud Computing With Two Large Servers, A Smaller Server, And Three Cloud Icons Against A Blue Background.
What is a Composition Engine?

Ditch static emails. Personalize every Inbox with Zembula. Our composition engine automates killer personalized images, cuts costs, and explodes engagement. Get started with Zembula today.

Illustration Of Website Elements Including A Shopping Cart, Email Icon, Text Boxes, And A Button, All Set Against A Gradient Pink Background.
Our Favorite Email Personalization Examples From 2024

Email personalization is no longer a luxury. It’s a must-have tool for marketers looking to enhance engagement, build trust, and drive revenue. Personalization is a core component of customer experience, which is increasingly at the heart of brand strategy.  If you want to overcome the hurdles facing your brand — more content shock, lower attention […]

A Simple Blue And White Icon Featuring A Central Node Connected To Four Smaller Nodes By Lines, Resembling A Molecular Structure Or Network Diagram.
Email Marketing Best Practices for Improving ROAS

One of your main goals as a marketer is to increase your Return on Ad Spend (ROAS). This metric measures how effectively your email marketing campaigns bring in revenue.  By focusing on strategies that can enhance your ROAS, you can ensure that every dollar you spend on your campaigns yields maximum returns, boosting your revenue […]

Illustration Of A Document Icon With A List And Bar Chart Overlay On A Blue Background With A Dashed Yellow Outline.
What Does ROI Mean in Email?

In an ideal world, every business decision drives a return on investment; the same is true for email marketing. Return on investment (ROI) is a profitability ratio used to measure the profitability of marketing efforts.  In email marketing, ROI helps determine the effectiveness and profitability of email campaigns. Understanding metrics like ROI, along with return […]

Illustration Of Three Stacked Server Units, Each With A Cloud Icon Above Them, Connected By A Dashed Yellow Line On A Dark Blue Background.
Performative Personalization Ideas for Email

Personalization, in and of itself, is one thing. And make no mistake, not only is it important, it’s absolutely essential for your success now that today’s consumers have come to expect it. But let’s cut through the hype and get to the heart of the matter: Does personalization truly translate into tangible, revenue-boosting outcomes? That’s […]

Three Vertical Bar Graphs Of Increasing Height With Purple Diagonal Stripes, Representing Data Comparison, Against A Light Background With A Purple Border.
15 Email Personalization Stats for 2024: Here’s What to Know

Email personalization is no longer just nice to have. If you want to see real success in your email marketing and drive revenue, it’s a requirement.  Consumers increasingly expect custom content from brands, 1:1 messages tailored to their needs and interests. That’s the minimum to get them to pay attention to you, so if you […]

Illustration Of A Person With Glasses Waving. They Are Wearing A Blue Shirt, A Lanyard With A Card, And Carrying A Backpack Over One Shoulder. The Background Is Light Turquoise.
How to Use Smart Banners™ for Email Personalization in 2024

Are you ready to make 2024 the year of email personalization? It sounds good to us. After all, personalization is a driving factor for consumers today — if your brand struggles to deliver personalized messaging, you’re in trouble.  The data shows personalization drives audience engagement and revenue. But if you do fully embrace a hyper-personalization […]

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